Mind and Body, Here and Now: Three Favorite Grounding Exercises

By Anne DeCore, AMFT

The Greek word “soma” means the body and “psyche” means the mind. Somatic psychotherapy is therapy guided by the practice of present-moment body awareness. Directing your attention toward your inner world of sensations gives you important data about your emotional state. Did you know that all feelings – shame, anger, love, burnout, fear - are experienced in physiological changes in the body first? We sense the changes and interpret them in our minds. When we disconnect from our bodies it can be an unconscious attempt to bolt from some of these unwanted feelings. Slowing down and noticing the body helps us observe and name our feelings which gives us choice about how to manage them.

Here are three of my favorite grounding exercises. These all involve breath awareness and body scanning. What I like about these exercises is that each one uses a guided image to help us get in touch with our bodies. These are well-suited for those who feel intimidated by classic meditation or mindfulness practices.


Go outside (if possible). Stand tall and imagine you are a tree. Feel your feet rooted to the ground below. Lift your arms upward like tall branches that stretch up toward the sunlight. Take in some deep breaths and direct your attention to your body sensations. Feel the wakefulness in your feet (roots), the balance of your spine (trunk), the freedom of your swaying arms (branches). What type of energy is in your body today? Can you bring non-judgement to whatever you notice? Be with your body in this stance.


While sitting, cup your hands together, creating a small “cup”. Now close your eyes and notice the inner sensations of your hands as they form the empty cup. Isn’t it interesting how you “know” your hands are there without seeing them? You sense them. With your cupped hands as a symbol of receptivity bring your attention to the various sensations within your body, physical and emotional. Receive the data. This simple practice of noticing the body helps us to regain awareness of our present state and focus the mind and body for our next purpose.


Imagine a beam of light encircling you. The light that surrounds you can be any color you choose. Choose your color now. It is a powerful, loving, protective light. You can call on this light when you are scared, stressed, overwhelmed or need space from others. The light differentiates you from others and helps you set the boundaries you need to take care of yourself. What can you connect with in your body right now? Breathe in and out, in and out, and give yourself permission in this protected space to listen to your needs.